At the Investment Forum in Tarnów, the invited experts in science, business and politics discussed current directions of development of the Polish and European economy.
During the panel discussion “Biotechnology, telemedicine and computerisation – what will happen next?”, an important commentary was presented by Andrzej Białkowski – Miller. In his opinion, the medicine of the future is the so-called personalised medicine. This means that in the future, the patients suffering from incurable diseases – neoplasms, will have a greater chance to undergo effective treatment. Same chance would be given to people who suffer from rare diseases. The President of BMC projects a significant development of the area of the so-called “orphan drugs”, that will allow for treatment of these very diseases. Until now, the pharmaceutical concerns did not invest in development in this direction.
Experts also raised the topic of artificial intelligence in medicine. They unanimously admitted that compared to the current situation, AI will allow for faster and more effective treatment.
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